
Public Procurements

Procurement of goods (machinery, equipment, consumables, etc.) or services (food, personnel service, transportation, insurance, etc.) and construction works (construction, repair, modification, etc.) are carried out subject to the provisions of Public Procurement Law, related regulations and Public Procurement General Communiqué.

The main procurement method in the public sector is the “open tender” method. Open tenders are the tender procedure in which individuals and companies that meet certain conditions can submit offers by being announced before certain periods of the tender date. In order to submit bids for these tenders, the deadlines must not be missed, the technical specifications must be carefully examined and understood, the documents requested in the tender document must be prepared in a timely and complete manner and submitted to the relevant authorities. In addition to the open tender method, the “tender procedure between certain bidders”, “bargaining procedure” and “direct procurement” methods are applied.